
1. сущ.
1) общ. группа; набор, комплект (несколько человек, предметов и т. п., собранных вместе)

group of paintings — набор картин

African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States
2) пол. группа, группировка (несколько людей, имеющих общие взгляды или интересы)

a group of animal rights activists — группа активистов по защите прав животных

political group — политическая группировка

group of supporters — группа сторонников

3) соц. = social group
4) эк. группа (несколько компаний под единым управлением)
5) воен. (объединение из двух и более батальонов; в воздушных войсках — объединение двух и более эскадрилий)
6) мат. группа чисел (слагаемые, множители и иные числа, которые участвуют в какой-л. математической операции)
7) лингв. группа, класс (языков)

linguistic affinity group — группа родственных языков

8) пол. = parliamentary group
2. гл.
общ. создать [образовать, основать\] группу, объединить (кого-л. или что-л.); сгруппироваться, объединиться (в группу)

Can you group these things together?— Ты можешь объединить эти предметы?

Spectators grouped in twos. — Зрители встали парами.

team 2. 1)
3. прил.
общ. групповой (связанный с группой людей или групповым характером деятельности)

group tour — групповой тур, групповое путешествие

group activity — групповая деятельность

group process — групповой процесс

group score — групповой балл

group market — рынок группового страхования*

team 3.

* * *
1) группа, концерн: объединение юридически самостоятельных компаний под единым руководством путем системы участий в капитале; 2) рабочая группа для решения определенной проблемы; группа сотрудников.
* * *
. . Словарь экономических терминов .

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "group" в других словарях:

  • group — [gruːp] noun [countable] 1. also group of companies ORGANIZATIONS a large business organization that consists of several companies that all have the same owner: • Burmah Castrol, the lubricants group • the sale of the Rover Group to BMW …   Financial and business terms

  • Group — can refer to: Sociology * Group action (sociology) * Group behaviour * Groups of people, a description of various different human groups ** Peer group ** Workgroup * Group dynamics * Group (sociology), a sub set of a culture or of a society *… …   Wikipedia

  • Group f/64 — was a group of famous San Francisco photographers who espoused a common philosophy and photographic style. The group was created in 1932, and it is usually listed as including: * Ansel Adams+ * Imogen Cunningham+ * John Paul Edwards+ * Consuelo… …   Wikipedia

  • Gröûp X — (also known as Gröûp X: Arabian Rap Sensations) is a faux Arabian rock band, claiming to be from the fictional village of Cramshananteen, Saudi Arabia. They play a mix of rap and rock. They are known for using comically accented and mangled… …   Wikipedia

  • Group C — was a category of auto racing, introduced into sports car racing by the FIA in 1982, along with Group A for touring cars and Group B for GTs. It was designed to replace both Group 5 Special Production Cars (closed top touring prototypes like… …   Wikipedia

  • GROUP-E — Collaboration Software Entwickler endo7 Aktuelle Version 1.7.25 (31. März 2011) Betriebssystem …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • group — n Group, cluster, bunch, parcel, lot mean a collection or assemblage of persons or of things. Group implies some unifying relationship, however tenuous (as a similarity of activity, of purpose, or of nature), and ordinarily a degree of physical… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Group 1 — * Group 1 element an element classification for Alkali metal * Group 1 (racing) a FIA classification for auto racing that preceded Group N * Group 1 thoroughbred horse races, are the leading events in the sport. * Group 1 Automotive a publicly… …   Wikipedia

  • Group 4 — may refer to: * Group 4 element an element classification * Group 4 (racing) an FIA classification for cars in auto racing and rallying * Group 4 Securicor a prominent British security company * IB Group 4 subjects a subject group for the… …   Wikipedia

  • group — group, social group A number of individuals, defined by formal or informal criteria of membership, who share a feeling of unity or are bound together in relatively stable patterns of interaction. The latter criterion is necessary in order to… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • group — [gro͞op] n. [Fr groupe < It gruppo, a knot, lump, group < Gmc * kruppa, round mass: see CROP] 1. a number of persons or things gathered closely together and forming a recognizable unit; cluster; aggregation; band [a group of houses] 2. a… …   English World dictionary

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